Category: WORK


    I wrote the HEAVY METAL EMAIL newsletter for about two years, but about ten days ago, I renamed it to SOCIAL MEDIA ESCAPE CLUB. That new name came about over the last two years, as I was sending 2-3 emails per week. It started with the SOCIAL MEDIA ESCAPE PLAN, a play on the mighty…


    A friend is thinking about getting started with coaching calls. They got a top 15 album to their name as an independent artist. A coach’s name came up (let’s call them Susan) and how much they charged, which was around $250 to talk about (let’s say) playing professional poker. “Well,” my friend said, “I can’t…


    Most of the creative people I talk to about starting newsletters say some variation of the following: “I’m not that interesting.” It’s along the lines of, “why would anyone care?” Or, “I don’t really do anything exciting.” Then I look at their websites, and social media feeds and I have a good laugh. Social media…


    Found this Seth Godin quote today: “How do I create more value?” is a much more useful question than, “how do I find a better job?” Find a way to solve a problem, build a solution, create an asset, and you won’t need to find a better job.