I love this quote from Rick Rubin.

“Everything was trying to make something cool to play for our friends that they would like.”

You run into problems, though, when you turn this into “make something cool to post on social media and hope people see it.”

Yes, there’s a chance it might take off. A slight chance. Hell, there’s a slight chance your existing fans will even hear it.

Better to have an email list that your fans can subscribe to, so when you make something cool, you can send it out and know that most everyone on your list will see it.

Maybe they won’t open it – things happen, people are busy. That’s why you send an email more than once a month, because people don’t open every email. Just the way it is.

So email your fans. Email it direct to friends. Call a friend and tell them you’re sending them something to check out.

Make cool stuff, show it to your friends.

Just make sure your friends actually see it.


